Reflecting on Year 28…

“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven…” Ecclesiastes 3:1

As I was driving down the road to Barnes and Noble for a study session, I started to reflect on my season of being “28.”  So many things to look back and reflect on… I do it with a smile.   Here is a recap (definitely not all-inclusive), but a few things that pop in mind as I think back.  I’ve divided it by “seasons” (literally, haha).

Spring 2011 – My very first global medical mission to South Africa:  my eyes and heart were opened and for that, I will never be the same!  The power of prayer impacted my life.  Being blessed took on a whole new meaning.

The people who donated to make this trip possible stretched my understanding of being good stewards with our money.  Brook and I were challenged in the same way to be “givers.”

The impact of this trip hit so hard I knew I had to go back; and I am (and with my husband!)!  Who knew that almost a year later I would be a leader on the same trip that changed my inner being.

“Throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life…. Instead let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitude.  Put on your new nature, created to be like God – truly righteous and holy.”  Ephesians 4:21-23


Summer 2011 – Summer brought the love of my life home from deployment number three.  This same deployment was when the mission to kill Osama Bin Laden was accomplished.  Sobering and humbling to sit on a couch in front of the TV and think your other half is fighting this war on terrorism.

Brook returned the weekend of July 4.  God reminded me we were CHOSEN to do something bigger than we will ever understand.  I could not keep the tears from flowing the weekend of his homecoming every time I’d see an American flag or hear the last lines of our national anthem, “O’er the land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE.”  The military life isn’t always easy and yes, I complain more than I should, but I pray to keep perspective that Brook is doing HIS will.


On a lighter note, Brook and I also took advantage of “enjoying life” that summer!  We took two camping trips, one the week upon his return to the mountains in North Carolina, and another at the KOA in Mt. Pleasant with my niece and nephew.  We had so much fun with the little munchkins that we now sit and daydream of the day we will take our own kids camping.

The East Coast Heilings LOVE to camp.  I can’t wait to break out the gear during my 29th year!


Anniversary #2!  “And I thought I loved you then….”

Fall 2011 – I call this season “busyness.”   Work, homework, and school applications seemed to consume lots of my time.  Brook started another Master’s on top of Six Sigma certification.  It was definitely a season of being stretched and learning priorities.  I have to admit that I struggled with this more than conquered it.  My role as wife and support to my spouse often fell back burner to what was on my plate.  It still stings a little to think how easily my priorities could be shifted, but we are made perfect in our weakness.

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’  Therefore I boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”  2 Corinthians 12:9

“If grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking…” ~How He Loves Us

In the craziness of the season, we still found moments to be true to ourselves  (aka enjoy life).  We set sail on our very first cruise together, which also happened my first one in general.  In all honestly, I’ve always thought cruises were cheesy.  Who needs a cruise when there all-inclusive resorts, right?  Boy was I wrong.  I had the BEST TIME.  Hands down my favorite vacation.  How exciting to wake up each morning and see a completely different landscape in a different country?   We enjoyed exploring and taking off on excursions just as much as roaming the boat.  I think I ate my weight in food.  I’m already working on our next one. 🙂  Royal Caribbean, keep my pool lounger and umbrella for my fruity drank on standby!


We also had the pleasure of hosting our very first Thanksgiving at our house.  My mom and cousin, Lisa, came to visit.  Brook’s friend, Nick, also came over to enjoy our first friend turkey.  Both of us have grown up attending huge family Thanksgivings, but little did we know that five people could produce so much laughter and memories.  That holiday definitely went down in the books!


Winter 2011/12 – This season taught me, “not my will, but his.”  Brook and I spent the winter spun up on how the Air Force, a possible base assignment, and my applications to PA school were all going to work together.  God spoke this verse to my heart and it still rings so true:

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are MY ways higher than your ways and MY thoughts than your thoughts.”  Isaiah 55:9

Why did I forget that he has a plan that is GOOD for my life? (Jeremiah 29:11).  That he makes ALL things work together for those who love him? (Romans 8:28).   Let me tell you, he has been so faithful in every aspect of our lives in this season.  He is teaching me to lean into his ways and not mine.  I am so thankful that he has my back even when I try to clinch my future plans tightly in my fist.  He always has a way of gently and lovingly prying my fingers apart and teaching me to surrender to him again.

“If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is.”  2 Timothy 2:13

In his faithfulness, I was granted a spot in the Physician Assistant program at the Medical University of South Carolina.   What an answer to prayer.  My sweet husband surprised me with my first stethoscope for Christmas (engraved for that matter, the man knows I love monograms).


We spent Christmas in Charleston and enjoyed a day of each other’s company over fondue.  Brook played with his Christmas gifts while I baked up a storm.  The next day my sister, brother-in-law, the kiddos, and my mom came for a visit.  We took them to the Festival of Lights.   It was so special viewing it from the eyes of two, three-year olds.  Oh to have that child-like perspective again.


SPRING 2012 – Preparation and change.  Those words come to mind as I think what spring thus far has represented.

After almost two years with Coastal Kids Dental, I spent my last day with them on March 16.  I feel so blessed to have been employed by them.  Brook and I just had a conversation over dinner this past week of how that job changed me for the better.  My self-confidence, ability to make decisions, patience, leadership, and drive grew from my time with them.  I loved working for a couple that let me take ownership of my job and showed trust and confidence in my decisions.  I had awesome co-workers who sent me off on my last day feeling like a queen.  They had a huge potluck lunch, decorated the office, gave meaningful and special gifts, and topped it off with a surprise going away party at Suede in Mt. Pleasant that night.  Did I mention the doctors gave me an otoscope for school?  CKD will always have a special place in my heart!



As I said goodbye to a big piece of my life, I begin to say hello to another.  PA school starts in May.  I now have my official school email ( and the emails are staring to roll in to prepare for this new season.   I am so excited to start school that will prepare me for a career, but even more importantly a mission field.  I am so glad he knows, understands and grants us the desires of our hearts.

“Take delight in the Lord and he will give your heart’s desires.”  Psalm 37:4


This spring has brought changes for our family as well, all positive!  The little ones (Sophie and Dalton) are not so little any more.   I laugh daily at stories I receive from my sister.  It’s amazing how often their funny sayings come up in our conversations.


My sister (in-law, but I really despise that saying) married her best friend this March. What a special week to spend with her and see a new season for her develop.  Brook and I are excited to have another sibling (Blake) join the family.


Before we left for the wedding, we took a motorcycle trip to the Grand Canyon with the Heiling side of the family.  Wow!  What memories were made.  It’s fun doing life with a family who enjoys time with each other!   I’m so glad my mom joined along with us.  She jumps right in as if she was a Heiling and they treat her like one.  So glad we had a great week with family.


Since we see family not nearly enough, it was pretty crazy to see, Brady, my little brother (in-law), growing up as well.  He brings so much laughter to the family.


Yes, through all these seasons, the Lord has continued to grow my marriage.  I love the man I married more and more each day and truly mean that.   The last year has taught me that marriage means dying to self.

“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.  For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.”  Matthew 16:24-25

I love how our relationship with God also mirrors our relationship with our spouse.  The last year, God started to speak into my life about denying my own selfishness.  I am slowly finding that the less selfish I am, the more I am able to give of myself and pour into our marriage.

I can’t believe we will celebrate three years this summer!  I am so thankful that I am truly married to my best friend and we enjoy the adventures of life together.  We have had lots of talks these past couple of months and we are excited to see our little family unit continue to grow and be knit even tighter.

“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.  Ecclesiastes 4:9

As a couple, we declared our life/family verse:

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be the glory and in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations, for ever and ever! Amen! “  Ephesians 3:20-22

Dear 28, you have been a meaningful year and I am so very thankful for you.  Thanks for stretching and growing me.  Thanks for the many blessings you have bestowed upon my sweet, little life.  You make me excited for 29.

Dear 29, I pray a Ephesians 3:20-22 type of year over you!

Let this season begin!


2 thoughts on “Reflecting on Year 28…

  1. Oh Shannon, you are such an awesome “journaler/blogger” whatever you want to call it! What a great way to capture these memories…..thank you for sharing, we are BLESSED to be part of your lives! LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK!

  2. Shannon, how I enjoyed your blog and keeping “up” on what is going on in your
    lifes. You have a beautiful way of sharing your events and feelings. i’m so glad
    God brought you into the family. You are a special lil gal and Brook is a very
    blessed man to receive YOU as his wife….the love that man of yours so very
    much. My heart is full when I hear about the plans God has in store for you
    kiddo’s. Thank you for letting me share in it all. I love you so very much and
    thank you for making me feel a part of your family…l. love your Mum’s also.
    In Him, Mamo

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